The Changing Landscape of the War on Terrorism

Counterterrorism expert Robert Grenier discusses the CIA, ISIS and the changing landscape of the War on Terrorism. Robert also discusses how he learned to become an effective leader, and shares some insight so others can avoid learning the hard way.

Robert Grenier is an author, speaker, and renowned expert on the Middle East, South Asia, counterterrorism, and security issues. He is currently the Chairman of ERG Partners, a boutique investment bank focused on the security and intelligence industries, and was previously Chairman for Kroll’s Global Security Consulting business. Before entering private industry, Bob was a senior officer in the CIA’s National Clandestine Service, and played leadership roles in the greatest national security challenges of his time. He served as Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (04-06), responsible for all CIA counter-terror operations around the globe. He was Iraq Mission Manager (02-04), coordinating all CIA activities surrounding the invasion and representing CIA in all White House policy deliberations on Iraq. He was Chief of Station in Pakistan (99-02) when 9/11 struck, and led the “southern campaign,” securing the “final” defeat of the Taliban and al-Qa’ida in December, 2001. Before that, he was Chief of Operations for the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division; a Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of State; Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia; and Director of the “Farm,” CIA’s basic training facility, where he authored the Clandestine Service’s Code of Ethics. In a 27 year career, he spent 15 as an overseas operative. Bob is a sought-after speaker on business, counterterrorism, foreign affairs and intelligence topics and on-air commentator for Al Jazeera English. He is the author of 88 DAYS TO KANDAHAR: A CIA DIARY (Simon and Schuster, 2015).

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