GLG 学院正在改变全球高管分享专业知识、学习新知和加速成功的方式。高管可以与其他专业人士交流沟通,分享相关的经验和得之不易的观点,快速学习进步。GLG 学院的宗旨就是推动开展此类交流。我们招募全球最杰出的运营人员、领导者和政策制定者担任 GLG 学院的顾问。
How It Works
GLG 学院会员有专门的 GLG 客户经理,负责在全年之中精准选拔合适的顾问,安排一对一会谈。除其他主题外,会员与顾问还可以讨论:
- 战略和运营挑战
- 领导力发展
- 沟通技巧和利益相关者管理
会员通常每月与顾问进行两次交流,就感兴趣的主题每年与资深会员共同参加 1-2 次对话讨论。

听取 GLG 学院部分会员和顾问的见解

Machine Learning Data for Smart Cities
In 2018, a major software company was preparing to launch a new product that collected machine learning data for smart cities. Partnering with GLG enabled them to better understand the unmet needs of their key personas.

Market Sizing for Industrial Equipment
When a major industrial company was building out a five-year product roadmap, GLG helped them better understand the North American market for winches, hoists and related equipment.

AI Converges on Life Science
How Will It Help Medical Professionals of the Future? This post is the first in a series about the impact…
GLG 学院会员均为杰出的高管人员,他们希望通过 GLG 学院与行业领袖进行个性化的接触交流。他们其中有首席执行官、总裁、执行副总裁和高级副总裁,皆是来自世界上最负盛名的公司,包括:
- Aetna
- Allergan
- Alnylam
- Amgen
- Astellas
- Bayer
- Boston Biomedical
- Collegium Pharmaceutical
- Ironwood
- Flexion
- Johnson & Johnson
- Mallinckrodt
- Merck KGaA
- Novartis
- Novo Nordisk
- Otsuka Pharmaceutical
- Sanofi
- Roivant
- Stryker
- Takeda
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