Understanding Research Gaps on Supply and Demand for Alternative Proteins

Exploring feasibility on alternative protein investment


GLG’s client wanted to understand the alternative protein and food technology space. They had research gaps in areas of supply and demand for alternative proteins and sought insight into several aspects of alternative proteins, such as distribution and regulations.

The GLG Solution

GLG connected the client with three top experts who formerly led Eat Just, Beyond Meat. and Quorn Foods with end-to-end experience in the alternative protein space, running alternative protein companies from ideation to product launches, leading new product developments, commercialization, scaling up, and manufacturing.


The insight GLG provided helped close our client’s research gaps and illuminated the best path for investment decisions. The research furnished forecasts for key players and cell culturing advances, a comparison with conventional food production, and industrywide supply and demand dynamics.

Why GLG?

After speaking with GLG’s experts, the client understood the technical risk involved in their research and could make informed investment decisions for their business.

Best-in-Class Industry Experts

GLG provided key experts who formerly led in the food technology industry and used their deep experience to provide unique insight into the alternative protein space.

The Network

GLG offered access to a large population of food technology leaders with the experience and knowledge to provide objective industry insights that helped our client make the best investment decisions.

Let us start helping you today

As the World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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