Discussing the Future of the Workplace & Society in a Virtual Panel

Hosting a Virtual Panel to Discuss How COVID-19 Will Change the Workplace


While planning an annual internal global meeting, an L&D team from a professional services firm came to GLG to source multiple panelists to participate in a virtual discussion panel to discuss how COVID-19 will change the way we work and interact.

The GLG Approach

GLG partnered with the client to source and confirm four network members representing different perspectives to participate in a one-and-a-half-hour virtual panel on how COVID-19 will change the workplace.

Panelists were a longtime investor and former from the private equity space; a futurist on social foresight, including women and families; a futurist on health systems and public health; and a futurist on the workplace and organizational strategist.


The panelists shared their perspectives on how COVID-19 could change different aspects of our workplace and society, which fostered a lively discussion as part of the client’s internal event.

Why GLG?

GLG executed a virtual panel for a client’s internal team meeting to discuss how COVID-19 will affect the workplace.

Expert Network

Sourced four network members able to represent different perspectives on the same topic

Project Breadth

1.5-hour virtual panel

Client Feedback

“I think the panel went well. [The team] was much engaged and everybody brought great expertise.”

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