Accelerating Market Entry for Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing Vehicle

Leverage Expert Connections for Successful Product Introduction in the United States


An industrial conglomerate was trying to launch a new electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle (eVTOL) in the Americas. They turned to GLG for business development support to engage regional airlines for product introductions and to subsequently arrange discussions with potential customers.

The GLG Approach

GLG appointed a former COO of a leading regional airline operator in the U.S. to support business development and product innovation through the Network Member’s industry connections to C-suite executives.


The GLG Network Member leveraged his connections to arrange a number of high-impact meetings with regional carriers and airlines in the United States leading to successful commercial discussions.

A former COO of a leading American regional airline helped the client to arrange meetings with target customers to introduce their new eVTOL and accelerate market entry into a niche sector in a foreign market.

Why GLG?

Precise Match

GLG accesses a network of experienced executives whose expertise and connections in every industry help match clients with the right Network Members and launch new products in niche yet growing sectors.

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As the World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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