Understanding the Buying Decisions of Grocery Chains

Expanding Markets for Smallholder Farmers with Social Impact Fellow Acceso


Acceso empowers Latin American and Caribbean-based farmers with long-term opportunities and market access so they can lead more dignified and prosperous lives.

To facilitate increased income for their farmers, Acceso sought to better understand how retail grocery chains make supplier decisions and what Acceso could do to increase the appeal of their farmers’ produce.

The GLG Approach

After arranging several productive phone conversations between Acceso and a former grocery chain executive, GLG coordinated joint site visits at seven grocery chains in Arizona. The Acceso team met with the expert, who showed them what information to look for when assessing if a store is “a fit” for Acceso produce.


The site visits resulted in a comprehensive checklist for Acceso to use when determining where their farmers could compete based on factors such as price, quality, quantity, and marketing, which they have already begun implementing.


Why GLG?

A GLG Network Member collaborated in person with the Acceso team to develop a checklist for grocery store site visits, enabling Acceso to better compete in new markets and secure shelf space for their farmers’ produce.

The Perfect Expert:

GLG connected Acceso with a former grocery chain executive who was able to single-handedly provide them the information they needed.

Dynamic Engagements:

The expert led seven site visits for the Acceso team to develop their understanding of the grocery chain market.

Enduring Outcomes:

The checklist that the Network Member helped develop will be used to better position Acceso as they expand to new markets and grocery chains.

Let us start helping you today.

As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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