Understanding E-Commerce Merchants’ Operating Platform Needs

Fast-turnaround survey to help business identity blind spots


A major technology client sought to understand what B2B operating platform services would be of interest to e-commerce merchants and their willingness to pay in order to uncover market blind spots. The client also wanted to identify the pain points experienced by e-commerce merchants and assess their likelihood to change operating platforms based on the value-added services provided.

The GLG Approach

To answer these questions, the GLG Survey Team conducted an extensive survey with 80 high-quality global e-commerce business operators from Asia, EMEA , and the U.S. who understood the operation of the business and had used these platforms.

GLG’s deep understanding of the clients’ needs allowed for close collaboration, which ensured that high-quality research results were delivered within two weeks.


The team completed the project within two weeks and helped the client profile what new B2B products and services would be of interest to e-commerce merchants and enabled it to identify blind spots to map out the market.

Why GLG?

A quick two-week pulse survey to understand what new B2B products and services would be of interest to e-commerce merchants and enabled the client to identify blind spots to map out the market.

The Network:

GLG offers access to a wide population of technology and e-commerce professionals, among others, who have in-depth experience in business operation to provide objective industry insights.

Robust Compliance Process:

GLG’s Compliance and Legal teams ensure that clients’ business interests are well-protected throughout projects and delivery.

Let us start helping you today.

As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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