Surveying Decision Makers at Restaurant Equipment Providers

Gaining a Perspective on Servicing and Repairs


A team at a large consulting firm wanted to gain a better understanding of the food service equipment industry. They needed to learn about the key players, trends, market drivers, and anticipated areas of growth in the space.

The GLG Approach

GLG was tasked with finding decision makers at food service equipment providers with deep experience in equipment repair. To help answer the client’s initial targeted questions, we connected them for an expert call with a former operational director at a leading commercial kitchen equipment service provider.

The client team also wanted to compare sourcing processes and labor availability between large-scale providers and small vendors. GLG partnered with them to conduct a survey of experts within the food service equipment industry. We identified experts who fit the client’s operational decision-making criteria, and we employed our after-hours support team to meet a quick timeline and evening launch.


GLG exceeded the original quoted range of 30-50N and delivered 60N within two days. Members of the client team followed up with GLG’s survey manager, stating, “We had a great meeting this morning and the survey results were extremely valuable in helping us understand the market. Thank you so much for finding such great panelists and for doing it so quickly.”

Why GLG?

To help a client understand the food service equipment space, we connected them for a call with a former operations manager at a leading service provider and surveyed 60 decision makers in the space in just over 24 hours.

Project Breadth

One expert call

One survey with 60 respondents

Quick Turnaround

GLG’s round-the-clock and global support means speediness and responsiveness to complete a survey within a tight timeline. In this case, the team achieved 60 completes in just over 24 hours.

Client Feedback

“Special thanks for GLG contribution here – always knew that you were great in surveys but this was just the top-notch!” – Consultant on the project

Let us start helping you today.

As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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