Rapid Message Testing

Determining the Right Positioning for a New Product


The customer insights and product teams at a large technology company were divided on one major go-to-market messaging question: should they position their offering as a unified platform or as a suite of best-of-breed solutions?

They came to GLG seeking to test both messages against real technology buyers in simulated buying scenarios so they could gain consensus on a decision.

The GLG Approach

GLG put together a service team that combined focused research methodologies with our best-in-class technology populations. We staffed a market research consultant as the leader of the project team and designed a study that included 15 qualitative phone interviews with IT decision makers (ITDMs) and a survey to be answered by 300 ITDMs who mirrored the interviewee population.

The populations included four segments: by region (U.S. and EU), by customer status, by organization size (1,000 to 4,999 vs. more than 5,000 full-time employees), and by current stage of cloud adoption. To fulfill this quota, GLG recruited ITDMs from several young, EU-based organizations to participate in the study.

The project team conducted the 15 phone interviews, launched the survey into market, analyzed the results, and provided a detailed report with the results.


The final report settled the internal debate for our client, as the results showed that customers preferred the offering as a unified platform rather than a suite of products. The results also helped our client revise messaging in each target segment.

Why GLG?

GLG helped the customer insights and product teams at a global technology company determine whether to message their offering as a unified platform or as a best-in-class solution suite.

Best-in-Class Tech Populations:

GLG sourced a panel of more than 300 IT decision makers across four key segments.

Dedicated Service Teams:

GLG managed the research end to end, staffing an experienced market researcher who focuses on the technology space to conduct more than 30 qualitative interviews.

Focused Methodologies:

The study combined qualitative and quantitative methodologies to deliver a robust solution, loaded with detailed, actionable insights.

Let us start helping you today.

As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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