Preparing for a 5G Future

Preparing for a 5G Future

Understanding the Expansion of 5G Across B2B Markets


A team at a consulting firm wanted to understand how the automotive, manufacturing, and utility industries were planning to expand into 5G. They also wanted to measure consumer sentiment toward 5G in the context of smartphone owners and homeowners.

The GLG Solution

GLG designed and ran three B2B surveys to provide a full picture of the automotive, manufacturing, and utility markets and their plans for 5G implementation.

GLG also designed and ran two consumer surveys to measure customer sentiment and to gauge how smartphone and home-internet customers might receive an expansion into 5G.


The insights the firm received gave its research team an understanding of how 5G will affect all three industries and how consumers feel about 5G expansion. The team published these findings in a market report for IT professionals.

Featured Products

A consulting team received insights from three B2B markets on the expansion of 5G and a measurement of customer sentiment of 5G expansion to publish a report for IT professionals.

Why GLG?

Custom Recruiting:

GLG surveyed 150 5G experts.

Project Breadth:

GLG conducted three surveys across the automotive, manufacturing, and utility industries, and two surveys paneling homeowners and smartphone owners. Sample sizes ranged from 50 to 1,000 respondents.

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