Flash Survey – Adapting to a Crisis

Surveying C-Suite Executives about Business Plans amid COVID-19


The client wanted to survey 150 C-suite executives within 48 hours about their plans for adapting their businesses amid the COVID-19 crisis. The client needed data ready for publication as quickly as possible considering the rapid development of the pandemic.

The GLG Approach

GLG reviewed the draft survey for compliant, effective, and fruitful questions. Within the client’s tight time frame, we quickly identified and surveyed 150 C-suite executives who worked at companies with more than $250 million in revenue.

GLG delivered data collected from 150 C-suite executives within 30 hours. We then worked with our compliance team and the client to ensure the proper publication of the data under a tight deadline.


The client used the insights gleaned from 150 executive responses to inform its study. It published the data in a broader piece about responses to COVID-19 across businesses and industries.

Why GLG?

The GLG team worked quickly to execute the client’s request in a timely fashion, delivering a survey of 150 C-suite individuals within 30 hours.

Quick and Quality Results

GLG delivered a survey of 150 C-suite-level individuals within a 30-hour time frame.

Expert Network

GLG targeted C-suite executives at the scale the client needed by tapping our expert network of more than 900,000 professionals.

Project Breadth

1 survey of 150 respondents.

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As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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