Measuring the Perception of COVID-19 Testing Through Focus Groups

Gathering Feedback From Policy Influencers Through Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews


An agency working on behalf of a health tech company wanted to gather feedback on potential marketing messaging and content related to COVID-19 testing. It wanted to hear from healthcare policy influencers and financial industry professionals to understand the public perception of COVID-19 testing.

The GLG Approach

GLG partnered with the client to select network members within policy influencer and industry professional populations to participate in web-enabled in-depth interviews and virtual focus groups.

The GLG team worked with the client’s moderator to complete all sessions within three days. There were ultimately 10 in-depth video interviews as well as three virtual focus group sessions with three participants each.


The client used the insights gathered from the sessions to inform its strategy for its health tech client. The insights helped validate the content execution plan and messaging for the client’s COVID-19 testing strategy.

Why GLG?

GLG executed a series of focus groups and in-depth interviews with network members to help inform a client’s COVID-19 messaging strategy.

Expert Network

Sourced 19 network members across the healthcare policy and financial industries

Project Breadth

3 virtual focus groups
10 in-depth video interviews

Facilitation Support

GLG facilitated the virtual platform hosting the focus groups and in-depth interviews

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